Here Is Your *Lackadaisical Lounge* Then...!

No one can get too cozy or too comfy on this Earth anymore, though - or, as this blog clamors, lackadaisical - or careless - or languid... Not even the richest among us, NO! Fact is, we have to be on the lookout at all times on this mudball of a planet that we live on! The only ones who can afford to be lackadaisical, totally relax and let their guard down completely... are the Angels!
And they are not on this earth, yo! (This one here, above, certainly ain't one either!)
Still - let's just chill out, hang around here,
be cool and see what happens
- OKAY? :-)
For this is all about... doing nothing, really!
hence, if you'd rather tango or something
you can always go with the Jango Jukebox below!
But really now -
just hanging out, chilling while admiring a sunset
or the sun rising (depends on your stamina, really)
just that is, by definition, *QLB* BABY!
*QLB* - quintessential lackadaisical behaviour, baby!
our true lackadaisical poster-child and guru:
the stunning sloth!
good enough for you anymore?
Doing so in in the luminous presence
of the bare-breasted angel above
our cute -in a furry way- lackadaisical poster-child
and myself (luminous cyber-presence, really,
nothing else - but still...!)
--- it isn't your cup of tea, all of a sudden?
Huh? HUH? Why, you...
... ha, see if we care...
Our Lackadaisical Poster-Child
is busy counting his money anyway...
(not earned through Google Ads - at all!)
G... Isto é para morrer de fome...!
as they would say in Lusitania!
But that's another story...
All righty, then, folksies -
(We won't be naming them now - come on!)
Well then...
(And originally published then!)
Labels: Angels, Lackadaisical Procrastination, Luminous Announcement, QLB, Sloth, The Example Here May Not Be The Best Example