No one can get too cozy or too comfy on this Earth anymore, though - or, as this blog clamors, lackadaisical - or careless - or languid... Not even the richest among us, NO! Fact is, we have to be on the lookout at all times on this mudball of a planet that we live on! The only ones who can afford to be lackadaisical, totally relax and let their guard down completely... are the Angels! And they are not on this earth, yo! (This one here, above, certainly ain't one either!)
Still - let's just chill out, hang around here, be cool and see what happens - OKAY? :-) For this is all about... doing nothing, really!
(You'll just have to provide the drinks - can you do that?)
Indie Music to blow your mind - on the bottom of the blog!
Shining sounds on the embedded YouTube playlist...
And hidden stuff, too - surprises! Just click on the pics!
Unless you've more of an old-fashioned streak hence, if you'd rather tango or something you can always go with the Jango Jukebox below! But really now - just hanging out, chilling while admiring a sunset or the sun rising (depends on your stamina, really) just thatis, by definition, *QLB* BABY!
It is not mere indolence; for we're not at all listless
or just being idle for the sake of idleness or apathy!
For we are being so in a dreamy way here;
meaning we are the opposite of those lacking spirit!
Or vigor! Or enthusiasm! We've got all that!
But we choose to stay laidback - and focused...
our way! A passive-aggressive way, with thoughts
if not eyes on the prize - much less is it within grasp!
BUT IT'S OKAY - because we refuse to be in a hurry!
For so is our Luminous Lackadaisical Stance here!
And it goes beyond mere procrastination, too...! *QLB* - quintessential lackadaisical behaviour, baby!
We made lethargic, lugubrious and even ludicrous *COOL*
- we will do it with lackadaisical as well!!!
Lacking vigor is NOT a bad thing - CAPISCE???
It's enjoying your time here, on earth, in this life -
without burdening yourself with worry and anxiety!
(Hey, with anxiety, you can't get nothing done anyway - right Pat?)
Carry on - just being lackadaisical in that QLB way!
(not necessarily LGBTQ - okay?)
So what, now...
Isn't royally wasting your time good enough for you anymore? Doing so in in the luminous presence of the bare-breasted angel above our cute -in a furry way- lackadaisical poster-child and myself (luminous cyber-presence, really, nothing else - but still...!) --- it isn't your cup of tea, all of a sudden? Huh? HUH? Why, you...
... ha, see if we care...
Our Lackadaisical Poster-Child is busy counting his money anyway... (not earned through Google Ads - at all!) G... Isto é para morrer de fome...! as they would say in Lusitania! But that's another story...
All righty, then, folksies -
listen up! SERIOUSLY...
This is the luminous place on the TLB Prime Network
where peeps like you and like us
are supposed to hang out
and merrily waste their time!
However, it seems like most peeps
(including ourselves)
have better things to do
or better spots to hang out at... (We won't be naming them now - come on!)
Well then...
Effective sometime during the
Great Alignment
on December 21, 2012... (And originally published then!)
UPDATE... unexpected, a tad uninspired and truly unnecessary - but here it is!!!
This blog's TIME has finally come!
As I type this, there is a full-on LOCKDOWN... society is in SHUTDOWN mode... for it is the quarantining necessary in order to minimize the losses during this dreadful pandemic we could ALL have seen coming - this novel coronavirus PLAGUE that has affected the entire world and is better known as COVID-19.
And as the entire world has shut down, the key to stay safe is... DOING NOTHING.
Isn't that what this lackadaisical parish has been preaching since day one here... HUH?!?
... this blog! Another fine LP Production, this blog! Indubitably! So, sit back, do nothing and RELAX - this is the spot where TLB Prime's regulars -the L.O.V.s- and I will be coming to just get a little lazy... maybe a little careless too, in what we say... in what we write... in what we do! In brief - this is the place where we can be ourselves FREELY and UNENCUMBERED!
Born in the Age of Aquarius, destined to seek out truths in many an art form, trained as a historian and a journalist but truly a prose-lover... Luciano is out to dispel any clichés and reinvent them all both to the tune of a little something called the truth as also to his own image - and being old-fashioned, he does not mind that distinction one infinitesimal tiny bit at all...! "There are two ways to spread the light; be the candle... or the mirror that reflects It." I have chosen to be the latter... okay? ~*~
"To be not only a seeker of light... but a dream weaver of light" ~*~ For as surely as the moon reflects the light from the sun, you and I can reflect the Light from Above - and be, indeed, the light of this world! ~*~*~*~ NOTE: THERE ARE COOKIES ~ from at least three parties~ ON ALL OF MY BLOGS! ~*~ accept it!
UPDATE... unexpected, a tad uninspired and truly unnecessary - but here it is!!!
This blog's TIME has finally come!
As I type this, there is a full-on LOCKDOWN... society is in SHUTDOWN mode... for it is the quarantining necessary in order to minimize the losses during this dreadful pandemic we could ALL have seen coming - this novel coronavirus PLAGUE that has affected the entire world and is better known as COVID-19.
And as the entire world has shut down, the key to stay safe is... DOING NOTHING.
Isn't that what this lackadaisical parish has been preaching since day one here... HUH?!?
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 2:45 PM
Oh yeah - the date (for posterity!)
It is April 2020.
The blog was way ahead of its time - seeing the light of day in 2012.
Alas, they are saying the exact same thing about this alternative band (KHMDM - IS IT?) and, most specifically, one of their songs... "VIRUS"
(Also known as the "pestilence mix" - ugh!)
THAT song's time has come, also... they say!
Just like my usual luck --- mine and the sloth's - both!
It can't ever be a bit of good news - it always has to come with a bit of bad too! For there to be balance in the force... huh?
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 2:49 PM
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