How dare thee... You, commoner!!!
I recently saw, on that other blog site I stop by periodically, someone go out of their way to analyze Scooby Doo and its cast... And, somehow, this blogger managed to work into the psychanalysis The Avengers' Diana Rigg, bashing her in the process (saying that "she was sexy for her time - but time has taken its toll" - ha!) and proclaim an unadulterated hatred for one Scrappy Doo too, on top of all that...!!!
My reply to such crimes against mass-entertainment was the following:

Back off from Scrappy Doo now! *lol*
Velma clearly has the hots for Daphne - she's just in denial and over-analytical about it, that's all...
In re: Diana Rigg though...
First off, it is DAME DIANA RIGG for you, commoners! *LOL*
Secondly, she was all that THE AVENGERS had going for them in the mid-1960s, not the 70s... Maybe you saw it here in the 70s, as I did and as I also caught the Man From U.N.C.L.E. then - but those two cult favorite shows are products of the confused sixties, aye...
(Which is how Diana Rigg got to become the most significant Bond Girl of all time in 1969's landmark On Her Majesty's Secret Service...)
And, thirdly and not all that unimportant to know, Diana Rigg may have gotten older - we all do - but she is still hotter than Liz Taylor, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith and the like... PLUS, she has a daughter who is her virtual clone - Rachael Stirling (which makes me wonder if the Avengers' Emma Peel didn't get a love child... No, make that a one night stand accident... With The Champions' Craig Stirling! ITC show? Around the same time? The Champions? Doesn't ring a bell? Never mind then... Carry on...)
Rachael has, in fact, done things her mother, as avant-garde as she was, never did - most notably in the BBC's TIPPING THE VELVET...

Britain's Diana Rigg - Rachael Stirling
is reminiscent, to me, of many other mother-daughter twin bills around the world of entertainment...
Italia's Ornella Muti - Naike Rivelli
Brasil's Regina Duarte - Gabriela Duarte
Canada's Andrée Champagne - Liliane Clune
And there are more out there, I'm sure...
Tis so heart-warming to see such true sense of legacy spread out throughtout the globe, is it not?
Ahh - such an authoritative tone can only come from the author and proprietor of both The Luminous Blog and Luminous Country - indeed!
Oh my - how could I have omitted on that partial list the illustrious likes of...
Blythe Danner and Gwyneth Paltrow
(such original names too - unforgettable by all means!!!)
Louise Marleau and whathername again... I'll get back to you on this! Marleau's daughter is a name and lass I tried to block out of my meory forevermore - too many bad films in too short a timespan does that to THIS film aficionado named Luminous Luciano!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 12:05 AM
Quel lapsus - in writ!
I meant "memory" - of course!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 12:07 AM
Sarah-Jeanne Salvy
That's "whatshername" there...
She's most remembered for her short-lived film career in Québec, Canada - in films such as "Cosmos" (which is a great title for a not-so great sketch film really... Full of lousy "Quebecicisms" if you know what I mean!)
Sarah-Jeanne's most memorable line from Cosmos:
Are you planning to fuck a gorilla?
With lines and films like these, really, we need not see any more...
(And it is no wonder that her brilliant career is over too...)
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 1:21 PM
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